Apparently Third-Life Crisis is a Thing

And I seem to be going through it.

Kristin Rowan


Photo by Gijs Coolen on Unsplash No I will not be poorly parking a motorcycle for my third-life crisis.

I had my quarter-life crisis, which was pretty mild and boring. Then I thought I was done with that sort of thing until midlife, but now at 35 I seem to be having a third-life crisis. (Hopefully that’s what it is!)

The pandemic was a whirlwind where I got divorced and became a single mom to a baby and three year old. It took quite a while to figure out where I was going to live and then what education was going to be like for my kiddos, who I correctly assumed would not take naturally to school.

Fast forward to now, both my kiddos are in a school or preschool that seems like a good fit for them. I’m happy with our apartment, though since it’s only a one bedroom it’d be nice to eventually figure out something bigger.

Now all that’s left is figuring out what I want to do.

Easy answer is comedy, though tricky to balance with kiddos in some respects. I do like that it mostly happens at night when they’re sleeping so I can be flexible for doing things with them during the day. I make some money from it already but to make it a full time career I’d most likely have to travel a lot or move somewhere like LA or NYC. I’m hesitant to uproot my kiddos and move away from my friends and support network. And it would such to have…

