Member-only story
Don’t want to do something? Try weaponized incompetence!
Weaponized incompetence is easier than you think and can be used in so many situations!
Work tasks! Household chores! Childcare! You could pretend to be too stupid for any of it!
Let’s use doing the dishes as an example. If you don’t want to do the dishes just choose some aspect of it that you’re supposedly not good at that supposedly your partner is much better at.
With dishes maybe you’re not good at scrubbing. Or good at noticing when they need to be done. Or you put things away in weird places. Or you load dishwashers oddly. Maybe you believe that everything has to soak for a week before you can wash it. The possibilities are endless.
Note that for weaponized incompetence to work you have to have a “partner” who is capable of doing the thing. (I say “partner” because you two are really not partners if you’re trying to trick them into doing more of the work, but you do you.)
I’d love it if I could use it so my toddler would pull his own weight in terms of household chores, but he actually is a bit incompetent in that regard. He’s not a partner either.
Be ready to up your incompetence in case they push back. You may have to do the task poorly once or twice just so they can see how truly incompetent you are.