The Day My Dad’s Glasses Broke

Kristin Rowan
1 min readJan 29, 2024
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

My family was going for a walk. This was before I had kids, so in this case my family meant my parents and my non binary sibling. Even though my parents were divorced when I was nine they still do things together.

This was probably a decade or so after their divorce and here we were going for a walk together.

A little bit into our walk a screw got too loose in my dad’s glasses and they came apart. My whole family wears glasses and my dad’s eyes are the best of all of ours, so it was lucky somewhat that it was his glasses that broke. He put the pieces in his pocket.

Perhaps fifteen minutes later my nonbinary sibling noticed something on the sidewalk. They bent down and discovered it was a very small screwdriver. The perfect size to fix my dad’s glasses.

Normally no one’s glasses break during our walks and normally we don’t find tiny screwdrivers, but both happened this time.

Perhaps the most deus ex machina-ish thing I’ve ever experienced.

I’m so curious how that tiny screwdriver came to be there. Maybe someone else had been fixing their glasses in that exact spot.

